Day 1 Of 12 Days Of Christmas

Sorry that I’m late writing my 12 days of Christmas. But I couldn’t think of anything. so I started to think about what this season is all about. My Pastor preached about this one Sunday. The greatest gift that God has given us besides his son is the gift of salvation. That Jesus Christ is God in a man form. He came down to become a man to know what man goes through so that he could die on the cross to save us from our sin. My pastor preached this Sunday night. That hearing about salvation doesn’t touch us like it did when we first got saved. We don’t get over whelmed. I know I have sometimes, but what God did for me that I would have a home in heaven.

So if you are saved and reading this. Thank the lord for your salvation. That God sent his son so we could have a home in heaven and everlasting life. If you’re reading this and you are not saved message me and I will show you how you can get saved.

This time of year we should be thankful for what the lord had given us. One of my favorite Christmas songs is “Mary Did You Know.” Tells Mary did you know that the baby you just given birth too will save the world for sin he die on the cross for us all.
So, look forward to day 2 not sure what it’s going to be about !!

Have a wonderful day!



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