What a Day!!!

Sitting here watching movies about mothers, I’m so thankful and blessed to have what a wonderful mother.  This year will be the first year of not seeing me sister or brother for mother’s day.  I hope they are happy the way they are killing my mom with the drama they created. I am so tired of the way people talk about their mothers like when they help you by telling you that you have something on you or something even like telling you how you like and the truth. There’s some out there that don’t have their moms around so this year me thankful that you have a mom still I know I am. My mother is my best friend. I know we don’t get alone sometimes but when we do its calm and it’s enjoyable to be around each other. 
  This week at work I wonder why some people talk the way they talk. Saying they are a Christian and cuss and say things a Christian would never say.  Another thing that happens to me at work is a customer said something very rude to me that I don’t think he had the nerve he said that to me. The mechanic asks if he could look up something I said sure, do I moved over so he could look something up.  And that when the customer said move your *** (Bottom).  And he also said “Women are always on computer that what they do all day, besides work. I was very shock he said that in front of me.   But I kept my mouth close and said nothing.
I saw “God’s Not Dead” weeks ago. It was a very good movie.  I don’t understand why people say they hate god and say they are atheist. Being a Atheist mean you don’t believe in God then why say you hate something you don’t believe in?  Answer this question if God didn’t make this world then how did everything start humans animals bugs they didn’t just go “BANG” and that started people. God made everything in him image in Genesis 1:27 says “So God Created man in him own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Then tell me this how then does Atheist believe in how human was created? By the big bang, I don’t think so.
   This year is the first year my sister forgot my birthday it really upset me the way she think she can treat me the way she is.  I was told I upset her from my blog I write. Everything I say is the truth if she get upset from what I write then she needed to change what she is doing to me but nope she thinks it’s all on me  Guess again! I’m tired of the DRAMA she created she is the creator of DRAMA. I’m I so thankful the drama is gone but on the other hand I do miss my sister and the nephew I will never get to see cause of her childish behavior of his mother. 

     So, on this wonderful Mother’s Day please tell how grateful you are to have a mother that cares and loves you.  And be blessed you get to spend the day with your mom I know I am. 


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