Last day of October!

Well today was my aunt Dena funeral she was 96 years ago, she was a very sweet lady.  I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful family. Some family that does like to make fun of me. but i am so happy to stay in town for thanksgiving this year. 

I'm sorry for not writing in my blog i been busy with work! :D i just hope people are enjoying my blog, today I'm feeling that I'm just talking to myself.

I try to do my best in everything i do. i do get upset when someone tells me i need to do this or that. i just cant change for them. I'm going through a lot right now and it feels like a lot don't even care what I'm going through. i tired of hearing a lot other i just want someone to listen to me real listen to what i have to say. i do have a friend that does. but i want others to listen to i have a very hard time of letting people get away from using me for what they want me to do for them. get what they want from me and just throw me to the side. its hard to just get over it.

There's one its hard to get over. because i called her my friend. we used to get get a coke ( but i get something else). we using to do it almost every Sunday night and just talk. but when a lady started church she left me to go talk to her and forgot about me. i was very upset about that. and my mom had to go tell her that she has upset me and then that night she said want to get a coke. i said sure. then we did then she said she was sorry for doing that me me but that next ween she forgot about me and never spoke to me since. i had that in school friends just use me to get what they want out of me. i love my friends and i would do anything for them. but its hard when other's uses you and forgets about you.

There's alot i have to work on and its hard to get over that other's have done to me. because i wouldn't do that to them because i hate upsetting others and i feel bad if i do. i would have never treated someone i cared for like that because i wouldn't like it happening to me.

i wish i could write more i have alot to say but i gotta get off and get ready for work wish I'm so thankful for.

Hope you have a blessed Day!!!

"Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!" -Dr. Seuss


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