A Good Day!!!

Well today was not a good day. We lost our dog Cheeto's September 8. He was 12 years old. We had him since he was 8 days old. It has been hard to deal with of losing him. My mom has been struggling on the death of Cheeto, but I good friend of hers told her to go to the front door and my mom friends daughter was there holding a black Chihuahua. That was 6 weeks old. She told me mom here you go mommy. My mom started to cry. Today I saw her happiness come back in her. 

I'm sitting here watching "Courageous." I've seen this movie like 3 times it still makes me cry the way dads will not be there for their children. I am so thankful I have a dad that loves me and cares for me. I couldn’t ask for a better dad. When I was little I had an abusive father (I call him totally something different). He drank a lot and beat up my mom. I never talk to anyone because I didn’t know if I would get hit for talking I was afraid to speak. My mom divorces him and met a Wonderful man name Ray. And we moved here from Indiana, and they got married. I think God had this planned for us. We have been so happy. I call (Ray) my dad. I love him more each and every day. This is what a dad is supposed to be. I am so thankful that the Lord gave me a godly dad. From watching this movie made me realize how thankful I am to have a dad like I do.

Today has been a day I been looking forward to weather is getting cooler. To enjoy walking with a very good friend best friend the only good friend that I have. My pastor did a sermon about others using you it’s hard to get over that even a friend would just use you. Then go off to someone else and just ignore you and not even say a word to you. It was hard for me to get over. Still trying to get over it, but it’s still hard to see her when I go to church and the way she treated me. I’m praying that God will help me get over the way she has treated me. Because I have others that care for me more than she ever did.

God has always been there for me. I just have to remember that he is there for me and I will always have His love. When I was little I broke my head open and had to be rush to the hospital, and later found out that I have a cyst in my brain. If it want for God taking care of me and watch over me I would be here today. And all the things I had been through with his grace I’ve made it through. When I was in high school I never thought I would have graduate, but he helped me graduate. Because I knew I wouldn’t without him.

Thank you for taking the time to read my long blog night. I just had a lot on my mind lately. Tomorrow is church night I love Wednesday night!!!! :D



  1. I'm glad you got your new puppy. I'm sure you have more people who care about you then you know.


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