Valentine's Day?
Well, today was Valentine’s Day. One of the holiday’s I kinda don’t like. I know it’s a day to show ones you love that you love them. Why have a day to show how you feel when you have 364 days to show others that you love them or care for them. Just makes me think of how everyone goes crazy on one day a year. I know I may sound rude or even mean about this day. But to the single people out there is a day of sadness. Just to remind you that you don’t have anyone besides family and friends that loves you. I know that I am loved by its sometimes hard to see others planning wedding, getting engaged and it makes me realize I thought by this time when I was little that I would be planning or getting engaged this time before turning 25, shows me what I know. I just hope and pray that my Prince charming is out there. I hope this doing seem upsetting but I just thought today why celebrated one day a year to show others how you care for them...