Some Thoughts!!!
there has been things on my mind. and i want to get out. i was in a wreak last year 2 days after my birthday. a guy ran a red light. since then our van been running but every time i look at it i get upset all over again. i cried for days after that day. the gut never paid for what he did to our van just paid it off. he should have brought us another vehicle because he was the one that messed it up. i cant believe its been almost a year since i happen. and we are still paying for what that guy did to us. others say you were lucky you didn't get hurt worst. i know i am but i just wish he would have just paid for it to get fixed but he never did. I'm just had one of those night again that i feel weird very hard to describe the way i feel but i very dear friend to me help me to feel better. one thing I'm looking forward to is the ladies retreat the ladies at our church go to. i need the encouragement i been going through a lot. its just been one of those nights again. i t...